
Another Strong Storm This Morning


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 10, 2023

Today was a great big mess in general. We awoke to another bad rain and wind storm in the area. This one struck the Rockport area with a vengeance. We do not know about the farthermost extent of the storm.

After breakfast and computer time looking at the weather mess we finally headed out to check where we could get in a walk between light showers around the area.

Our first stop after some riding around to see how things were was the far end of the Beach Park near the Allegro Channel. It was a mess water, soft wet sand and mosquitoes wise. We meandered a bit but the mosquitoes were just too much with no wind to blow them away as in the days past.

So we headed on out to check more of the area. The subdivisions in the area were doing a good job of showing the flooding situation for parts of the neighborhoods.

Most of the morning was spent checking areas for usability for the OFM Teams. The fishing piers seemed to be free of fish due to all the freshwater flowing into the shallow Little Bay area running the saltwater fish out of the area. Later in the day we watched a few folks bait fishing and they were having trouble even loosing a bait,

In the afternoon we rode back into the beach park to check how the nesting area fared and it looked like the damage to that area was minimal. The wild flowers were still up and blooming and the birds were still birding around as usual.

The Castle had another couple teaspoons of leak during the storm so tomorrow, if possible to do safely, have another leak check in hope of stopping the latest drips in the bedroom.

Now it is off to bed to be rested for having tooooo much fun tomorrow being a leak detector.

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