
Easy Tow Today


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 26, 2023

We awoke on schedule and things were ready for our one night location change here in GISP. It was about a ten minute slow drive over to the new location. Getting backed in too a bit of time due to a tree to the left in these next pictures. But we got the Castle moved in and set up and moved into in just a few minutes.

The Castle can do everything without added utilities except run the air conditioner. The solar set up is big enough for everything else to be easily handled except the AC. This picture of the utilities side shows only the electric hooked up for that reason.

Since were rolling out in the morning we did a minimal set up. Tomorrow after hitch up we only need to unhook the electric line and stow it. Then release the wheel chock and store it and we are ready to roll to Lake Corpus Christi State Park and enjoy Memorial Day holidays. We had snagged 2 night there for our pleasure.

Check out our nice front yard. Just out of the picture to the left is a nice fire pit with a grilling surface. The picnic table is a nice clean eight foot model.

We lunch splurged on a nice sized senior plate of BBQ brisket, cole slaw, and mashed potatoes with sweet tea without ice. It was wonderful and about 6 million calories.

We are ready for sleeping so we can get a good start in the morning. Our designated spot at LCCSP is a short walk from the fishing pier so the OFM might get in one more fishing effort before we break the rod down and put all the fishing gear away into long term storage. Over all it has been a very nice stay here at GISP. We think it is about an hour and a half tow. It will be a different style of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad it was an easy day and we loved our solar setup!

  2. LOL ... "6 million calories" .... I see that sometimes myself when I have a great meal.
