
Morning Rain


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 13, 2023

We had an interesting morning driving around in the rain taking pictures of rain falling at the Beach Park. We chose this area since it has paved roads so we could stay off the sand and shell roads during the rains. The rain was not excessively bad but a very steady moderate rain that would guarantee that Sierra would have gotten stuck if we left the pavement.

This is the park entrance area and the rock pier from which we have caught a many a fish. It was not a good day for fishing.

On down into the area we found that a lot of the nesting areas were flooded with 3-5 inches of water. That is not an asset to having new birds anytime soon.

It was a big surprise when we saw this large family setting up for picnicking and fishing early today in the park. We would not be setting up in the rain for sure.

That just does not seem like fun to the Teams.

Back at camp we did some get ready for the rolling out to Goose Island State Park tomorrow for 13 days. The towing mirrors mounted easily onto the Sierra standard mirrors and Sierra is ready to roll again.

A short trip over to Goose Island SP to check for flooding found that the campground there was not having any trouble with flooding. When it is time in the morning we will be rolling. Our ultimate goal is Decatur Alabama and grand kids and eye repair.

The rain quit later in the day and we got to run around saying goodbyes here in the Rockport area. And now it is time to get some serious rest for trying to have tooooo much fun rolling tomorrow.


  1. Glad you are ready to roll and getting ready for a summer of having tooooo much fun.
    Safe Travels and Enjoy the Grands.

    It's about time.
