Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Spring Break On The Way This Week


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-5-2023

First thing tonight we will get to see the slope that defeated the OFM last evening. The OFM started up near the sign post and was heading toward where the girl taking the picture is standing.

As you can see it is not a really hard slope for folks with better balance. The OFM has gone up in this location several times in the last three years of the low lake level. At full lake level this location has over forty feet of water over it.

The OFM does not recall which exact route he attempted up or down but none of them are really difficult for someone with balance and decent eyesight. We are hoping for better eyesight after the next surgeon visit in July. In the mean time we have to be very careful about where we walk or attempt to walk.

After another day of a few long conversations about things to see in the western USA The OFM was ready for a break to take sunset pictures. It was looking like a good night for the picture taking but the sunset was less exciting than we thought it would be. However it was definitely enough to cause lots of the swimmers at the cliffs to stop and watch the sun set on their playground.

But the picture that the OFM was surprised to get is this one of the moon rise. We thought it was a nice surprise and a good photo also.

Keep in mind Texas spring break starts about noon this coming Friday and basically runs through Sunday the nineteenth. Since the states around Texas are still winter temperatures, the students from those states tend to come down here to play in the warm weather. We have noticed that most of the travelers we talk with had no idea how big an event Spring Break is in Texas. Be assured it is a huge rip roaring event. We plan to hibernate here and try to stay safe.

Maybe we need to set up a booth to teach those students arriving how to try to have tooooo much fun! I bet they are pros at having tooooo much fun already. What do you think?


  1. I think the definition of "fun" for you would not match theirs!

  2. Ah, Spring Break .. those were the days. LOL but my friends and I would go to Florida

  3. The first steps to that slope woud be major impediment for me. Sheesh. NIce bright moon tonight! Hope you are enjoying with clear skies.
