
Space Vehicle


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-6-2023

Sitting at the do everything table this morning eating breakfast, the OFM noticed how damp gray it seemed outside. So we grabbed a picture for evidence that the desert is not always dried out.

As we sat there chewing our cud for a few minutes thinking about what to do today on such a gray day, the OFM noticed the green tint in the tree. Closer paying attention led to the discovery that the tree had sprouted greenery over night and was in full growth mode. WOW.

Then when we went outside we observed that many of the plants were now tinged in various shades of green. So maybe we might even accidentally get a new blossom out of this desert this year. We can always hope anyway.

The day was spent having nice conversations with the folks in the campground about where to go and when to go and lots of other things.

As evening settled in it was time to take sundown pictures. There were some decent ones available and we got two of them with our camera.

Here is a picture of the tree across the street from us trying to hide the settling sun from the camera. It failed thank goodness.

Then a bit later in the evening this picture of the moon did not come out as planned, it came out even better we think. The OFM has no idea how he got the picture of the flying saucer hovering over the greenery tree but we think it is pretty neat.

It is still a bit warm and is not expected to go below 65F tonight so maybe it will be some good open windows sleeping weather because we want to be well rested for trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.

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