
New Shoe Liner Adjustments


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 3-30-2023

We got off to a slow start this morning while choosing our new much needed shoe liners. There were several new choices for liners depending on your need. We finally chose one and took it home to be cut to fit the OFM shoe size. In they went and away we went to get on with today.

When we went to the Municipal Park to walk we ended up changing the shoestring tightness a couple of times during the walk. One of the times we pulled the new liner out and verified that we had the liner cut right.

We did. But when we put it in and tied the shoestring it did not feel right. So we redid it and found that the OFM was putting it into the shoe slightly crooked and that was not good. When we finally got it right they are wonderful. The others were definitely worn out. The rest of the walk was much better than the first part of the walk.

Tomorrow we are due to be at Don and Patsy's place to be available to help if they need it as they get gone back to Michigan for until next November. A family emergency is causing them to leave a month early.

A nice bit of the afternoon was spent with the OFM trying his hand at watercolor colored pencil art. It is definitely a new world for the OFM Teams. Hopefully the OFM will gain a bit of skill with it soon.

Tomorrow we hope to finish off the last coloring book picture and have it ready for publishing in the near future.

In the mean time we hope everyone has tooooo much fun with their own fun opportunities.

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