
Sea Gull Love


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 3-21-2023

We arrived at Craigs Auto shop about ten minutes early and the shop was in full tilt. That is usual for this honest shop. They are not the cheapest in town but in 16 years of dealing with Craig and listening to others in the area, Craig has always been straight with his customers. No up selling or other garbage. Mistakes get fixed properly when they happen and that is not very often. It is always a nice experience dealing with him even when an ooops happens. His shop is very highly recommended by many of us.

After Sierra was completed we headed down to the Rockport Beach and purchased our non resident beach pass for forty dollars and headed on in to play. So did the rain. During our play time in the park this time it rained gently for about ten minutes and did not rain for about ten minutes and repeated several times.

Our favorite wood fishing pier welcomed us with wide open hand rails.

Once on the pier we tried to fish a bit but the rain was a sufficient deterrent to sticking around for long. We will be back. On the way off the pier we grabbed a bleak and gray picture of the Rockport Beach. It is one mile long and man made to have the right slope and bottom for younger kids to play on when in the small waves.

The gulls have signaled that it is mating season again and are coupling up all over the place. This sign announces it to the world.

From the water conditions we saw today and the amount of grass in the water we have guessed we are within two weeks of fishing beginning to become decent for catching many varieties of fishes that inhabit this area in the warmer months. We are ready for them. Sometimes fishing is a pretty good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the pier and water....Sigh. Glad Sierra is all taken care of. Enjoy!
