
Evening Paddle


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 3-24-2023

The day today was way to HOT in the afternoon. The OFM got a bit overheated while meandering around gathering info for a blog or several. Here was the Castle temp this afternoon around 1700.

It took a bit for the OFM to get his overheat under control but at least we can be prepared for it instead of getting caught unawares like today.

The OFM got it into his head he wanted to do some bottom fishing for black drum. So we fixed up a rod to have a bottom fishing set up. Our bait was to be some FishBites brand of bait since that was what we have available in our stock of fishing stuff. It usually works pretty good but today was a big nothing.

From where we parked this was the view south towards the Allegro Channel coming in from the big bay.

The looking back north toward Little Bay view is this one here.

For a couple of hours of fishing we managed to not lose any baits or get any bites at all. Even the birds that normally are skimming the water or dive bombing bait fish were not active. The only thing happening was the OFM getting overheated.

We finally gave up had headed back to the Castle to sweat in peace since the OFM was tooooooo cheap to run the AC this soon in the year.

Any way after supper we headed back to the Beach Park to try for some sunset pictures. We got this one we named Evening Paddle. We hope you enjoy it.

And tomorrow the OFM will be a lot more careful about the heat as he try's to have tooooo much fun.