
New Plan Starts Tomorrow


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-13-2023

Another very full day and no real chance to grab a pic or three so tonight you get to see our pick of the 40 plus pics from yesterdays sunset. We stood out there over a half hour and shot bunches of pictures since the scene seemed to be a movie it was changing so fast.

Here is a sunset picture the OFM really liked due to its uniqueness with no sun in the picture but lots of sunlight.

A lot of the day was spent in talking with the new folks that came into the campground today. We keep hoping to hear of neat new places we need to go visit. This year it has been a strike out on that wish. However the OFM did get a compliment from one camper to the Amistad NRA folks about how nice it was to have a “host” helping so many folks with their visit to this part of the Big Bend area. The Amistad ranger told her that they did not have a host out here. The camper told them that they need to hire the OFM to be the host to help folks see all the good stuff in the area of west Texas. Yep that gave the OFM a swelled head for sure.

And now for some new news. Late this afternoon things fell into the hoped for places and the OFM made reservations at Rockport Texas for a month at the Quiet One RV Park starting tomorrow. We will be leaving San Pedro Campground early in the morning and heading to Rockport arriving in mid afternoon if things go right.

And buddy Rick is set to head on up to Lake Whitney Texas as the next leg of his tour up to the Big Horn Mountains some where near the Canadian border with the USA. He is planning on getting there in a couple of months when it is not so cold as now. We said our good byes and good lucks this evening. He is a very nice fellow and he is also pretty good at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I really like that sunset with the water and the rocks......well done. Safe trip to Rockport, and enjoy.

  2. Wish your buddy Rick good weather luck on his trip north and safe travels to you Sir!

    1. Thank you very much. Rick plans on taking four weeks before he crosses into the Oklahoma panhandle.

  3. Nice warm after sunset picture, OFM. Have a safe journey tomorrow to your new home.

  4. As one of the new folks you helped out when we pulled into the San Pedro campground in Amistad, I also want to say thank you. It was nice to talk to you and some of the other people there. Since we left Amistad we've been in 3 state parks: Lake Casa Blanca in Laredo, Goose Island near Rockport and Brazos Bend. All great places to spend some time especially for folks like us who like birds. Now we are on the beach near Corpus Christi. Texas sure has diverse terrain.
