
Allergy Help Worked


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 3-29-2023

Grocery shopping was the second thing on the agenda this morning. The first thing was to get half a Loratadine antihistamine tablet into the OFM so he can breathe. The good news is it helped a lot. The rest of the story is it took four hours to do much but since then it is doing well. During the time we waited for breathing to be better we did some expensive grocery shopping so we can eat at home better.

Thanks to the shopping trip we had some really good Stoop for supper. The main ingredients were chopped up chicken breast and the Knorr package in the picture. The OFM added some chopped green onions and a couple of spoons of powdered potatoes to thicken the stoop.

It cooked easily and blended the ingredients into a rather tasty mix.

In the bowl it was more like a moderately thick soup. However we think that some flavored with your preference of sauce tortillas would make for some really good dipping also. Naturally your choice of meat could be substituted for more variety.

We tried a morning walk in the chilly strong wind at the Beach Park. 63F and 20-30 mph wet winds was not a decent combination.

After a late lunch the OFM was starting to feel better so we went over to the Rockport Municipal Park to try a walk there. The weather was great. Out near the ball fields the wind was still a factor but the sun was out, warm and welcome. The OFM got in a mile and a half of good speed walking. He realized that his liners in his shoes were worn out and needing replacing. So Walmart here we come again. It was really nice to be able to walk well again.

The fire thorn (we think ) bushes were blooming brightly and the sunshine was making them glow beautifully.

The coastal live oak trees grow in all sorts of gnarly shapes and last through all sorts of twisting and bending by high winds. They can be pretty dramatic to see at times.

While talking at the maintenance guy at the main rest room we found out about a new trail expansion they are working on now. Part of the new trail is a remnant of an old cattle trail left over from old times ranching. The OFM has walked some parts of the new route in his meandering. It goes over to a swampy area that should make an interesting new walking area.

Here is a picture of one of the tentative entries into the new trail area. Our guess is that the soonest this will finish will be three years away.

We will enjoy that new trail greatly when it comes to being.

OK it is time to get busy resting and figuring out what we will be doing for tooooo much fun tomorrow. He He He.


  1. Why don't you take that pill at night? So you're all primed for the morning? Just curious. I don't really have a clue about any of this.
    Haven't ever seen a fire thorn bush before. Sort of handsome!

    1. Night is my normal time to take an antihistamine tablet. Firethorn bushes have been in this blog before.

    2. Can you believe I forgot such a thing! I did. A firethorn bush is spectacular in it's way.
