
Saltwater Fishing School


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-16-2023

First the medical report. Both of the OFM legs made fantastic recovery progress today. Right leg is around 80% today. Left foot is about 98% now. We were extremely surprised at the recovery amount. But we intend to be extra careful for a couple of more days, because the OFM is a WIMP.

We found bluebonnets growing down at the Marina today and a glad sight it was. They are very nice flowers in our opinion.

This very nice young man is the son of a long time friend and the OFM had a very wonderful day today giving him a crash course in both shore and kayak saltwater fishing in this area.


He was a quick study because he already was a great fisherman for fresh water but now with saltwater training he is known down here as Superfisherman to the OFM Teams.

We never have seen such an astute fisherman at learning saltwater style before, especially from a kayak on a day with 20 mph winds to fight. We are looking forward to more visits with Superfisherman.

As the OFM meandered the campground this evening we stumbled across this location near the laundry to get this sunset picture. The sun is not bright due to all the dirt and dust in the air from today's strong winds. But it is what we really are fighting to do outdoor things right now.

Spring break winds down this weekend and we will be happy to have it over but it really has not been bad this year. So now we are going to attempt a night of good sleep while the winds rock the Castle so we can sleep like a baby hoping for a great day of tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Glad you got better so fast!! Meanwhile, you are probably not a wimp. You're just old. haha. I'm older than you so I can say that. We do take longer to get better, and we get hurt easier. Bummer, isn't it. Well, here we still are anyway. Sounds like you're already having a good time.

  2. I really like your sunset photo!
