
Pushed The OFM Limit A Bit Too Much


Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 3-4-2023

A little this and a little that through the day until after supper. Supper was at Whataburger and as we were driving back to our campground the sky started looking like a photo or 49 over near the 454 boat ramp might be a good idea. Well the OFM was wrong, it was a fantastic idea as it turned out.

We arrived at the ramp with about twenty minutes to spare. The OFM looked at the loose rock slope up to the ledge we used in the past for sunset pictures from this area. He never gave the slightest thought to the changes in his body and abilities since last year. So away we went.

By the time we were four feet up the ten foot tall cliffish place, he fell once. But he was expecting to have a bad slip and caught himself. After getting all ready again he started on up and nearly to the top he slipped again and caught himself again. OK now that is two bad slips on the loose rocks in less than ten feet of elevation change. Luckily still no bodily damage yet. Since we were right at the top the OFM grabbed a rock protrusion and pulled himself onto the ledge with no more incidents.

As we stood there looking at the future sunset, it occurred to the OFM that he had to go back down that slope as darkness closed in while shooting pictures. He thought for about 20 seconds and decided he had no business on that slope in daylight much less in failing light. So he hopped up and we started back down. Sure enough he slipped soon after starting back down and caught himself. As he paused there two incredibly nice young men came over to the slope to head up to the inviting out crop we had just left. One of them asked if I needed help. The OFM said that he thought not but please stand by for a couple of minutes while he completed the descent. Yep one more minor fall happened and the OFM was down without starting any new bleeding spots at all. He thanked the young men for being patient and standing bye. They scampered up the slope like it was good stairs to get to their chosen location for sunset pictures.

After the sunset was finished we talked about a lot of things like photography, blogs, video production etc until it was dark. The OFM sends his gratitude to them for standing by while he recovered from an adventure that he now knows shall not happen again. The OFM now knows another limitation to his abilities that has happened since last year at this time.

In the meantime the young men and the OFM hit it off well and they have this blog to find the Teams. It is really wonderful to find really first class folks to get to know.

And here is the photo that resulted from that adventure. For map readers, it was taken from the 454 boat ramp in the Amistad NRA near Del Rio Texas.

Lake Amistad Texas

And yep it was a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Well, I guess it was worth it. You made new friends, took a fine photo, and survived. Sometimes it just eats it to be old. I'm serious. Lots of things that one can't do anymore, in spite of desire. But appreciation of what can still be done remains....Glad you made it with no bad scrapes. Just a pisser, isn't it.

  2. In spite of that.....onward and outward. (notice I didn't say upward.)

  3. Any slip scares me. You should not attempt climbs that may result in a fall. I try to carry a walking stick. The sunset picture is beautiful.

  4. With me anything not laying down can result in a fall.

  5. Sadly I'm familiar with getting half way thru something and deciding that "maybe I shouldn't have tried this".... and it's ALWAYS half way thru when I get that notion!
    Hopefully when I'm finished I don't have the "that was a mistake" or "that's gonna hurt" coming out of my mouth :-)
    It is a good sunset picture!
