
Winter Thoughts

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 30, 2019
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Tomorrow will be package wrapping day in preparation to shipping to Alabama. It will feel really good to have that chore out of the way.

Next on agenda is to choose where we will roll next month. Our rent runs out the night of December 22. After two months here, the hitch itch is getting noticeable.  Since the Boondork decided to sprint for SW Arizona we decided to check the average temperatures out that way and down south in Texas. Here is what we found at

Average temperatures F    Dec         Jan
Quartzsite Az.                  64/39        66/40
Brownsville, Tx                72/53        71/52

Wow those temperature differences certainly give a person a second thought if they like warmer days and nights don’t they. Maybe the OFM Teams will need to give some serious thoughts to fishing in South Padre for a couple of months. 

Speaking of fishing we saw a couple of neat water borne RVs (boats) at the Rockport Harbor.  This first one is a nice looking sail RV. With a nice large cabin like that you ought to be able to get real comfy while anchored out along the Texas coast.

The boat next to the sail boat has been moored in the Rockport Harbor ever since 2007 when the Teams first arrived here. It appears to be a shrimp boat in its earlier life. Then all the shrimp boat rigging was removed and a bigger cabin added to the rear hull. A glance inside shows a galley and sleeping places. This might be a real good RV also. We did note that it made it through Hurricane Harvey and is still floating. 

Is it possible the OFM Teams might try out the Texas waterways for some of their travels? Maybe boat travel could be a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun. Hmmmm.

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