

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 16, 2019

Here a Meander, there a Meander, everywhere a Meander. If you did not know it, today was Meanderday.

The Teams meandered all over the peninsula to see how the hurricane repairs were going. Nothing seems to be happening any more.

We did get down to the wooden fishing pier to check up and be sure our Pelican guarding the pier was on duty. It was and we have the picture to prove it.

That pelican does a great job of trying to make certain all the folks are working on having a good time.

Then the OFM hit the beach for some walking. The blue heron (we think) was on guard on the beach.

It was doing a good job. No fish or minnow could get past without careful scrutiny. However it let the OFM past with only a quick sniff and turned away. Phewww.

About now the Teams noticed the beach water was very clear. In fact it was hard to tell where the water started and the sand stopped.

Then we finished out the afternoon having fun discussions with the nice lady controlling the beach entrance station. We gossiped for hours it seemed. Then on the way back to the Castle, Sierra forced the OFM to stop at Mac’s BBQ and get a chopped beef sandwich for supper. That Sierra can get awfully strong willed at times.

Then it was blog writing time. Somewhat true stories were reported about a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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