
Pretty Toys

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 27, 2019
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Nothing much happened this morning except the OFM examining places to travel to when we roll out of here in December IF THE FRIG IS WORKING RIGHT. It is doing fine but the OFM wants to be sure it will be doing well out in the never never land he likes to go to.

Part of the get ready is replenishing some art materials. One part of the effort arrived today. Fedex had said it would be here by next Monday. BUT they arrived before noon TODAY. yahooooo

Here they are a new set of colored pencils to waste on art paper trying to make a pretty picture. By using good art supplies the OFM cannot say it was the supplies fault for the inconsequential results.

OH,we nearly forgot the OFM went to the local library to look at the art books. While he was there thumbing through the books he ran across a short tip that really hit home with him and his inadequacies.  Now we hope he can remember it long enough to put it into use. Maybe it will even help him in trying to have tooooo much fun. 

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