
MISP Report

Adventure Location: Mustang Island SP, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 24, 2019
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First we need a definition from the Internet.

Beachcombing is an activity that consists of an individual "combing" (or searching) the beach and the intertidal zone, looking for things of value, interest or utility. 

We were headed for our favorite beachcombing  location.  It has been completed from all the Hurricane Harvey damage finally. The name of the location is Mustang Island State Park.  It is a ferry boat ride and several miles of roads from our campground location. It turned out to be a great adventure.

Most of the structures in the park had been severely damaged. The campground was totally shut down for many months. Parts of the beach opened a few months after the hurricane. We needed to report on the changes for our readers.

The old campground restroom was marginally adequate in the first place.  The new restroom, showers etc is a fantastic replacement. Well done Texas Parks and Wildlife. Here is a picture from the new big parking lot which is another good improvement.

When the OFM come out of the restroom, he even remembered to go into the men’s side this time, this unique to us drinking station caught our attention.

The human drinking spot is on the back side out of sight and is a usual drinking fountain. The front side has a water bottle filling station on it. That is very nice to have.

The unique feature was the very low drinking fountain bowl. We first guessed it was for drunks crawling on the concrete. Later we realized it was for babies. Then the OFM ran out of guesses so we stepped out the door to take a picture of the campground.

The paving and shade shelters seem to be the same as before. The Internet reports said they had to replace all the electrical wiring due to saltwater intrusion. When we drove through the campground it was obvious that parts of the paving and a few other things had had some repairs but was now in good shape. It is now a nice facility but is still a bit cramped in our opinion.

The campground is located on the land side of the main beach dunes. 

The dunes usually have lots of flowers on them and this day was no exception. In fact there was flowers all over the place. Check out this bouquet of flowers and other decorative vegetation.

Ok. Here we are at the end of page three and a lot of things still to tell about so we will finish the adventure in tomorrow’s post. The OFM needs his rest after today’s work at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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