
Rockport Beach Tour

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 2, 2019


Rockport Beach Park has an entrance fee. $5 a day per car load or $20 for the calendar year per car load. The OFM decided he had enough fun in the Beach Park that the $20 for the last two months of the year was still a good deal. Then  the thought came up that G Rock had never been in the park before. So we decided to give it a tour of the place. We did not make it all over the place but we did get to the fishing pier area and the salt water pool area.

We are happy to report that it looks like all the Hurricane Harvey repairs have been completed.

Our first stop was the Saltwater Pool. G Rock hopped up on the sign to survey the offerings. This is just a pool of water roped off from boats etc and for swimming only. It can contain all the normal critters the bay does including porpoises, crabs, redfish, jellyfish and many other critters. Here is G Rock surveying the pool.

The two public building near provide restrooms and meeting rooms for special events like the wedding that was planned for tonight. One of the buildings has a nice big “patio” on the second floor that is pleasant to sit on.

G Rock just had to try out the water in the SW Pool. Here it is getting all wet playing in the wavelets. It is a good thing the OFM had a rag along to dry it off.

Next we went up on the building staircase to look across the parking lot toward the fishing pier and bulkhead.

G Rock wanted to go over to the water to see what was over there so off we went. The first thing G Rock saw from the bulkhead is a pretty jellyfish pulsing along. G Rock was fasinated with the jelly fish until the OFM mentioned it could sting him if it was touched. OK time to move on G Rock said.

So G Rock scrooched its way on down the walk until it got to the Big Rock. G Rock was trying to get Big Rock to talk but all Big Rock said was Gurgle, Splash and Sploosh.  Then G Rock noticed the different style of jelly fish. G Rock liked the looks of the first one best.

We had more adventures but that story will have to wait for another night. We have many more days here of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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