
Changes Will Be Required

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 20, 2019

It has been quite a day. A few bloggers announced their cessation of blogging. The OFM will miss them.  Then the OFM had breakfast out and the food was marginal. Things just kept on going wrong most of the day.

The fishing was not so good but the friendly folks at the fishing location was a nice uptick for the day. Then the Walmart did not have several things the OFM wanted in stock so we moved on.

It was after 1400 when the OFM returned to the Castle to find the refrigerator in failed mode. After digging out the manual and doing the tests the final test resulted in the message printed in the manual. "At this point you have cooling unit malfunction and it is not user repairable. Call an RV repair shop to replace the unit."

So there we had it again, TOTAL FAILURE. The OFM searched the Internet to see what all this means. Basically the refrigerator parts will be around $1000 minimum and then you add labor. OR just replace the refrigerator and spend $1400 plus labor. The refrigerator is too heavy for the OFM to handle so paid labor will be required.

Then the OFM got to wondering what a 15 year old trailer with 300,000 miles on it might be worth. We searched PPL motorhomes and some other sites to arrive at a figure of about $5000 for a unit like the Castle in FIRST CLASS shape. 

The Castle is well worn and has a rot spot at the upper left front corner of the box. The rot has been stopped but not structurally repaired. The estimate to do a proper repair on the damages was “at least $2000“ two years ago since the fiberglas siding would have to be peeled back to the frame. Once again it involves physical effort the OFM cannot perform.

So now we have a $5000 maximum value trailer needing $3500+ in repairs before selling it. It is time for some serious considerations about HOW we are going to keep on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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