
Busy, Busy, Busy

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Click the pictures to enlarge them.
Adventure Report Date: November 4, 2019

The day was incredibly busy. The Castle was dusted and vacuumed to get all the New Mexico desert sand out. Two new throw rugs were put into service and two old throw rugs got throwed into the dumpster. And it was steady all day and into the night.

Since Texas allowed the vehicle insurance rates to increase 30% in September we went insurance shopping  to see if we could cut the $775 increase down some. We did get new insurance for $350 less increase.

But the best part is we got in three fishing events. The morning one the OFM caught nothing. Then we did a chore. Then a bit after noon some more fishing for a little while. Then some longer time chores were done. Finally about an hour before dark we hit the jackpot. All the fish were trout and all were 1-2 inches to short to be legal. All in all we landed about 15 fish. All were caught on the same jig. Here the first three are.

and a close up of the jig in a fish mouth.

So the day was closed out with a few fish caught and thrown back. Then a Whatachicken sandwich for supper.

When we opened the mail today, there was mostly junk but there is a couple of things to take care of tomorrow. When those are finished we can get excessively busy trying to have tooooo much fun in the hot weather.

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