
Not Pollen

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 22, 2019
Click on a picture to enlarge it.

The morning started well with a call from the repairman saying he would be by about 1000 to check out the damage and give the Teams an estimate. 1000 came and went. The OFM is having frustration fits.  About 1045 the phone rang and it was the repairman acknowledging he was late and could be here in five minutes if I still wanted him to come by.

Yep we sure did. In about three minutes he was here and apologizing for being late. His reason is he was at his doctors office getting some blood drawn for testing and it took longer than he anticipated.

After that moment he went to work and explained everything the OFM asked very well. The first thing he did was go to the outside vent/access door and open it. “Yep it is the trouble” he said. Then he showed the OFM what to look for. Here is a picture of what we saw.

The yellow that the OFM thought was left over pollen is the dye put into the refrigerant to let the repair person know if there is a leak. Boy o Boy was there a leak. In fact we saw a drip come down and splash. Then we went inside and the repairman got the needed data from the label on the refrigerator.  He said he would call us with an exact price after he got to call his supplier in Dallas Texas.  The OFM asked for a ball park price.  The repairman named a price in line with what we had found online. The installation fee is $180. The OFM told him to go ahead an schedule the repair.

So it all works out that the new refrigerator is scheduled to be installed Tuesday morning.

We also told him about the rot in the front corner and asked his opinion. He looked at it very carefully from inside and out. Stood and considered a bit and then explained a lot about what he thought on the idea of a repair. The short answer was that what the OFM has done should last 3-5 more years. A repair would involve taking off the front fiberglas panel and part of the side panel and a partial roof uncovering and recovering.

He recommended the Teams run it until it falls apart and dumpster it.  The repair would likely be a lot more than the value of the trailer. Just put the repair money toward the next trailer was his final advice.  That pretty well coincided with the Teams opinion also.

It is the Teams opinion that we now have enough “educated” guesses to choose what is next about the time the OFM turns 75. Life expectancy enters into almost every calculation of things for the Teams nowadays.

But the day had an interesting ending. To try to relax his intense afternoon, the OFM went to the wooden pier to fish in peace. Those silly fish kept on interrupting the peaceful situation. Then two friends showed up on the pier to visit. The OFM caught a legal size fish and they kept the fish and took it home for supper. So the end of the day was a good one of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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