
Nice Weather

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: November 28, 2019
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Out of bed on time to make it to the morning breakfast gathering was a surprise for the OFM. We made it to Aransas Pass Whataburger right on time to order the usual. Then a seat was grabbed near Ricky and the rest of the folks moseyed on in in a few minutes. World problems were discussed and no conclusions were agreed on.

Then it was to Lowes next door for some Christmas shopping.  Well we tried anyway. It seems that Lowes was closed today. Check out the barriers they had at the doors.

Next we crossed the street to Walmart and headed inside to check for one last Christmas present.  Nope not the right level of quality so the OFM decided to exit. But as we passed the wrapping paper two rolls of paper had just the right things printed on them. He grabbed them and started for the self check out.

A nice lady in a Walmart vest and lots of electronics hanging on her asked if we were about to check out. the OFM gave a big Yes Ma’am. She proceeded to scan the two rolls, do the credit card payment with our credit card and print out the receipt right there in the aisle. WOW. And we bee lined it for the exit door.

We got back to the Castle and noticed the laundry was not being used so our laundry was gathered and taken across the street .  The OFM put it to washing. We came back just as it was finished washing and loaded it into the dry. Back to the Castle to see what we could see on the computer.

Back to get the clothes right on time again was a stroke of luck. Then home with the clean clothes and got it all put away properly.

Then the OFM decided to make chicken stoup. So that was underway nearly instantly. It all went well and was ready right on time for lunch. And WOW it was good. So dished washed and put away. A look at the clock revealed it was 1215. Good grief we have been busy.

The weather was beautiful with broken clouds and 70 degrees so the OFM decided to head to the harbor area to see if any pictures were standing around. There was lots of picture. He also stopped to visit a fellow on one of the piers and about 12 fish later he told the fellow Happy Tday and headed back to the Castle.

He made a mistake and stopped a moment at the harbor because a boat caught his eye. That will be the subject a blog soon. In the meantime he meandered around taking pictures in the beautiful weather at the harbor.

Here is a picture taken from a finger dock looking toward the harbor entrance. Notice the nice water and sky.

AS if this was not enough, it was cross the road to the old sculpture garden to check out the birds sculpture. The birds seem to be really enjoying the great warm weather.

Then it was over to the harbor master’s office to check for flowers in the grounds around the building. Yep plenty of flowers and pictures calling to us for another blog or three in the near future. This is the view from the back porch looking out onto Aransas Bay on a pretty day.

There was some more meandering around and we finally made it back to the Castle after dark. Photo wise it was a very productive day of about 125 pictures and lots of stuff for future blogs.  

It seemed like our goal was to get totally worn out while trying to have tooooo much fun.

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