
So Many Fish

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 11, 2019

We meandered all over the area today. Everywhere we went we caught fish. Lots of fish. They were all speckled trout. Most were right at the minimum length of 15“ but a few were well over the minimum length. No pictures were taken but if they had been taken it would run for several pages of the blog. Our known count is 41 fish with a good amount caught late in the afternoon after we stopped counting. Sorry you missed the fun Don C.

The nasty cold front was due at 1800 hours so we shut down the fishing and headed home about 1630. It is good we did.

The computer was connecting us with the rest of the world and at 1732 the front arrived with a blast of wind. The door and windows were quickly closed to retain the heat already in the Castle. It is predicted that we will have about 36 hours of cold and then things warm up nicely again.

The Teams had given a lot of consideration to staying in Grandkid land for the winter. It is a good thing we did not. They are having a really cold winter already with some twentyish temps during the next few days. NOPE NO THANKS TO THAT.

So for a couple of days it will be inside stuff for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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