
Christmas Shopping

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 8, 2019

It was slightly before sunrise when the OFM rolled out of bed to start the day. More Christmas shopping was on the agenda. The weather said Cold and wet so we waited a bit for the wet to quit coming down.

Then we hit the road to shopping.  After a good bit of effort we came back to the Castle to consider the next move. As he sat there puzzling over the next move he suddenly recalled he had stoop to make today. Great.  It would give him a chance to calm down about the Christmas shopping.

Today the ingredients were
a can of Bush’s beans
a can of salt free whole corn
a large bell pepper chopped
a big slice from a yellow onion chopped
A serious dollop of BBQ sauce
Fresh ground black pepper
Some Lil Smokies sausage cut into bite size pieces
The 3 liter pot was topped off with water. This produced a thinner mixture than in the past. Thirty minutes of slow simmer until the vegetables were cooked. Thirty minutes of steeping time as it cooled resulted in an excellent lunch.

Then the afternoon was more shopping. When it was all done there was no new presents purchased. That symptom is also known as frustration.

So it looks like we have some more shopping days ahead of us for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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