
Goose Island Report

Adventure Location: Lamar, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 17, 2019

The OFM has been meaning to do this report for three weeks now but kept forgetting about it. Finally he remembered to go get the pictures that we wanted.

Goose Island State Park is a nice park that was badly damaged by Hurricane Harvey. All the waterfront area campsites had their roads and utilities wiped out. The damage has finally started being repaired but is a long way from being finished. The long fishing pier was destroyed also and is not yet being worked on.

This is the view from the barricade of the campsites to the right after you make your way onto the island that holds all the waterfront area sites.

From there Sierra carefully took us over the badly damaged roadway to the left side where the pier used to start. All these sites are also shut down. We do not know how badly the restrooms on either side were damaged.

It really was not a pretty sight any more. The section of the island near Stinky Beach is open for use but is in disarray still.

We surveyed all the campsites in the Wooded Section and they appeared to be in good shape and in use. The OFM first came to this park about 40 years ago and has enjoyed it many times since. It has been the site of him trying to have tooooo much fun many times.

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