
To The Far Mountain

Adventure Location: Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, NM
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Adventure Date: October 16, 2019

Brian showed up right on time for out next desert adventure. The goal was up the mountain a ways until we hollered UNCLE real loud. It did not take near as much as we thought to get the OFM to scream UNCLE. But we did have a great time.

Brian led the way and we soon stopped to consider which exact ravine we wanted to attempt to get to. Here is Brian thinking about our objective.

Now remember that what is called a trail in this story is nothing but a less dense stretch of thorny plants. There are no actual trails we found. After the considering we did Brian led off as the pathfinder. 

Here Brian is working out a way for us to move on forward toward the goal we had chosen.

We made a good effort but sometimes the going was tough. Unseen from our eye level were the many 3 -4 feet deep ravines in the desert floor. Those ravines are not much of a trouble for a savagely able bodied person such as Brian, but for the decrepit OFM they were serious obstacles. We plowed forward for hours and hours (editor note:about 40 minutes) but we finally made the half worn out point way up on the side of the mountains. ( Editor note: At the bottom of the mountains). 

After a few seconds of rest we were ready to get on the trail again. (Editor note: The OFM was screaming uncle and nearly crying to go back to the starting point.) In reality we rested for about ten minutes as Brian checked out the land around us for more places to go exploring.

We made it back to the Castle and were ready for another mountain to climb. (Editor note: Yeah right. The OFM almost could not climb the steps into the Castle.) We gossiped for a good while and made a date for tomorrow at noon for another great lunch at Si Senor restaurant. 

We are very certain that this Team adventure came very close to having tooooo much fun.

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