
Resting Rock

Adventure Location: Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, NM
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Adventure Report Date: October 18, 2019
Adventure Date: Recent few days

First the current events.

It was another nice day of 72F and bright sunshine. The breezes were just right. Then in late afternoon the OFM happened to look out to the west across the valley except it was a total light brown out. Something was coming and boy o boy did it come.

First was some Castle rattling winds. We guess in the 40 mph range for about ten minutes. A couple of minutes after the wind started, the driving rain hit and lasted about two minutes. Then it was a light rain for another few minutes. Within a half hour it was all over with. The clouds from the storm were very dramatic.

The OFM also has decided where the Teams will head next when we leave here. We are going over the San Andres Mountains to the I-25 corridor between Socorro and Las Cruces to see what we can see. There is a lot of good camping along that area. 

When will we leave? No later than 10-24 morning when our allowed two weeks here runs out. It will be about 165 miles towing at most. The weather is trying to turn cold next week so we are seeking a little warmer climate.

On the Riparian Trail is a resting or thinking rock in a nice alcove that lets you see down into Dog Canyon to the creek bed. It is a very pleasant place and extremely peaceful. Lots of flowers were in the surrounding vegetation to help make the location special.

Soon we will be meandering down the road or trail in a new area for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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