
Desert Garden

Adventure Location: Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, NM
Click the pictures to enlarge them.
Adventure Date: October 15, 2019

As the OFM was walking up the hill today, the nice looking gentleman coming our way said  you must be Gavin’s grandpa and the OFM was stunned. Charles turned out to be a blog reader and fan of Arctic Fox travel trailers. We had a great time visiting and swapping good places to go visit. Thanks for all the good suggestions.

Tonights pictures came from a desert plants garden here in the park. It has labels on most of the plants but the OFM missed the labels with the camera.

The sun was just starting to peak over the mountain tops when this picture was taken. That is the park sign on the way into the park.

We thought this might make a pretty picture with the pink flowers showing off. Was the OFM right?

Here is the whole HOG. The label displays the name of the sticky bush.

New thorns on the HOG were a beautiful red that seemed to glow. We bet they hurt when they stick in you.

Then this is a neat bush with special shaped leaves with points. When the new leaves come into growth they are a gorgeous shade of red.

When the flowers are blooming, you can sit on the bench with red ribbons in your hair and the hummers will be swarming you along with the plants. That sounds like a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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