


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 8, 2023

An interesting day to say the least. So start at the beginning with the morning walk. A beautiful day for walking with slightly cool temps and very nice breezes. The OFM's tee shirt and shorts was just right for brisk walking in the bright sunshine of most of the day.

We had a few chances at nice scenery and the OFM managed to photograph three scenes that came out adequate. Exactly where the scenes are along the trail we have no idea. But here they are.

A little color in the foliage was nice to view and the sunlight made it very nice.


On along the trail and a curve or two put the sun in a different part of the sky and we got these nice reflections on the ripples on the water. We thought it was rather nice.

Sure enough right after another turn in the trail we had another sun angle that made this nice picture.

It was nice place to stop a few moments to enjoy the warmth of the sun again.

But now we get to talk about nature. We have had the same egret at this lagoon for several years. She has had a couple of nests of babies over the years and was the Queen of the lagoon for sure.

Three days ago we saw an egret body floating in the lagoon and showed no trauma like a bullet wound or tangled in netting or fishing line or anything not natural. So we kept an eye on things and nothing came along to bother the corpse.

As we neared the end of today's walk we took this picture of a younger and way smaller egret now hunting in the deceased bird's lagoon. That is the previous egret's corpse in the bottom right of the photo. We are really hoping what we witnessed is just the natural way life happens in the wilds of Alabama.

Now for the NEWS. We have a reservation at Goose Island State Park (GISP) for 11/18 thru 11/21 we made yesterday. This morning after the walk, we got on the Internet to check for messages and we had an urgent message from GISP notifying us that the drinking water at the park is being repaired during a two week period of which we will be there 6 days. The park recommends we come in with a full fresh water tank because they cannot guarantee they will have city water available anywhere in the park during our stay. We will have electric and access to the dump station and all other features of the park. Six days should not be any trouble for us in our highly boondocking capable rig but it sure can be a trouble for many campers to not have the park water supply available to keep the rest rooms and showers functioning. So maybe we will have a peaceful stay there with less folks than expected. We will see.

And that brings us to the end of another wild wonderful day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. So, you had a bit of fall color before you take off....it's beautiful. Never much of a show here, but once in a while, though not this year.

  2. There has been a few spots of color but that is the largest by far.
