
Another Restart Again Again


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 25, 2023

Former Schedule of Travel Stops.

Night of travel day Location

11-27 Near Morton Ms.

11-28 Martin Creek State Park, Tx.

11-29 Birch Creek State Park, Tx.

11-30 Choke Canyon State Park, Tx.

12-01 Goose Island State Park, Tx.

That was the schedule for the start of the travels when the Teams went to bed last night.

During today, while testing myself, it became very obvious that the OFM Teams could not count on his eyesight to be safe in certain situations we could encounter. So we canceled all future travel towing a trailer that could end up with us towing after late evening or in the dark until the OFM gets his eyes fixed. Don Cole that means the Teams will not be in Rockport as we had planned. So you can have all the fish the OFM would have caught, if your boat can carry them.

We have to schedule eye exams when the office opens again after the holidays and get busy on the eye repairs as needed.

That means that we will have extra time for grand kids and Christmas things in December. So you can see it is not all bad.

We already are working on travels that start January 1 or there abouts that follow the cool temperature line heading north. Hopefully we can be in the proper places in New Mexico at the correct time of nature to grab more great pictures up there in my natural birth state.

Thats all we have tonight. Tomorrow we plan to attempt some pictures of how low the lake is as the authorities lower it to be ready for spring floods that always happen around here. So rest up and hang on, the OFM has plenty of more ways of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Empathize with your eye problem. These eight-two year old eye balls don't function after dark, either.
    As you've mentioned above, your travel schedule is well planned. Envy you moving around the Southwest at your leisure. Your family will enjoy you to the max at Christmas. Enjoy.
