
More Eye doctor Time Coming


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 28, 2023

33F right now headed for 25F tonight so we are running both elec heaters and planning on a blanket or two for the bed. Glad we are not boondocking tonight. We are not like the Boondork and find below freezing temperatures ok. But then he is a lot tougher fellow than the OFM is.

We did get out for a nice walk this morning in the 43F cold. The sky was a fantastic blue that really was pretty to frame the tree limbs as we were walking along the paths.

This field near the catfish hole was ready for action with the dry air.

And over to the right was some tables someone had borrowed from the old tables storage for some event. We did not find out what event.

We spotted a blue Heron on a tree limb looking for breakfast. It did not even acknowledge us as we crept closer to get the picture. I guess it was hungry.

And now for the eye doc report. The eye doctor is gathering the previous Huntsville doctors records to make a decision if she can work on the OFM or we will have to go to a local optomologist for more serious work than she is allowed to do as an optometrist. So now we know that we better not plan any travels yet until the doctors figure out what the OFM trouble is coming from. So all plans are now on hold until who knows when. At least we are in a decent location to spend the cold weather since the average low temperatures for their coldest month of January is only about 35F and the Arctic Fox can easily handle that especially with electricity available.

Oh well at least we have a nice campground to enjoy while we wait and try to have tooooo much fun.

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