
Got Lucky On Camp Site


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 6, 2023

We started a bit later on the walk today to allow the temps to move up a bit and it turned out to be just right. Then we chose to take a walk route we have not done in a few years. It was the big loop around the golf course starting and ending at the Castle for a distance of three miles. It was a just right choice for the OFM body. We got three nice pictures during the walk.

The first picture shows how still it was most of the day. The reflections were very nice for the whole walk.

Along the way we got a nice picture of some pretty bright red berries to remind us Christmas is soon to be here.

Then toward the end of the walk this blue heron was watching the lack of action in the water. But it was guarding its space along the shoreline carefully.

Then late this evening we got lucky and landed an overnight spot on 11-17-23 at a Texas State Park for our third night on the road as we head for a few days at Rockport Texas again. Getting decent reservations for camp sites along a chosen route has become a lot more difficult than just three years ago. But we got lucky and now can rest easy for a bit. Thats about all the excitement for the teams today. Now for some nice rest before we have to tangle with tomorrow early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. A step in the right direction. You won't be wandering around the night of the 17th.
