
Kids Art Contest


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 26, 2023

We had a good day today in spite of some cold light rain. Nope to walking in the wet cold and we worked a little while and finished this next coloring.

It was a bit tedious to do but it was also a fulfilling bunch of education to gain.

When we went to the office to check on something, we noticed the Christmas time coloring viewing was beginning for younger kids. The OFM usually does the “get them interested first coloring and it gets hung in the office to get other kids interested. They have three age groups with 7 and up being the oldest. Normally the OFM coloring is the first one hung up but this year by the time I got the enticer colored and back to the OFFICE this evening there were two already colored and on display from the 7 and up group. It is wonderful to get something in the kidds hands beside a computer mouse or a phone. Anyway the first two on the wall were well done.

The two on the bottom line are the kids colorings. The OFM work is the top line. Tomorrow the office lady, Diane, will get it all up and running officially. And that takes care of the interesting part of the day. Now the OFM has to remember to call the eye doctor and set up a new appointment time that he can handle with his night blindness troubles.

As for as schedules are concerned, until something else changes it our departure date will be after Christmas sometime. Then we will head west on I-20 for where ever we land. Time to plan some having too much fun activity for tomorrow, MERRY CHRISTMAS.


  1. Your wallflower coloring is so pretty, it came out great. Great way to get the kids involved in the coloring having that "color-off". Good luck on getting your eyes squared away. Linda

  2. Thank you for the compliments. Yep the kids enjoy it too from the way they laugh and play when a new coloring is put up,
