
OFM Adventures Birthday


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: November 14, 2023

Today is the celebration of starting Old Fat Man Adventures sixteen years ago.

Everything on Sierra and the Castle worked today for a major change and it was wonderful.

The morning started a little early with a fantastic walk we did not expect. We took the maintenance road around the golf course for a total distance of about 3.2 miles. The OFM body held up fairly well to our surprise. Maybe the cool weather is helping.

The sky was a wild beautiful scene for us this morning and held its ground until nearly lunch time.

The walking path has been getting some of the old falling down trees removed since we last were on this trail. Several trees that needed to be gone are now gone. We grabbed this nice picture of the path about a half mile along our route.

This part of the hike and bike trail goes along the Tennessee River rather than Flint Creek but we get fewer views of the water. As it worked out we missed all the river views. However later in the winter this bench has wonderful river views when the brush still in the way looses all its leaves. That trail marker says 2.0 miles we think.

The rest of the walk went very nicely all the way back to the Castle.

Then this afternoon we finalized our upcoming trip back to the Texas coast and then the Mexico/ Texas border. We plan to leave on 11-26 and return before Christmas. And there you have all the excitement in our life for the day. Time to rest so we can go wild tomorrow.


  1. It has been a while since I have stopped by to check out your adventures. I am glad to see you are still taking such beautiful pictures and blogging.
