
Water Color Pencil Attempt


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 30, 2023

This morning weather was the topic of several Good Morning exchanges since it was so wonderful on the trail. The temp was nearly just right and the humidity was lower by a good bit too. In fact it was so good that the OFM body wanted to run but the OFM knew better. However we did put in 3.2 miles in a bit under an hour with no trouble at all. We think that the heat/humidity of the last three weeks has been the biggest trouble to the exercisers on the trail. This morning the trail population was about quadruple of the last three weeks average walker count.

This is what a nice morning start should look like.

Even the scenery along the trail seemed a lot nicer to us. All the vegetation seemed to be enjoying the cooler temps also.

On the way back we encounter this egret hunting over Flint Creek. The day was so nice it did not even budge as we stopped about fifteen feet away for the picture. Normally we cannot get within fifty feet of an egret up here in the woods.

On the art efforts we tried out using watercolor pencils on this next partial painting.

Obviously it is a different way of putting color on the paper and the OFM needs to practice a lot. But it is fun to do something different now and then don't you think.

With the big weekend coming up day after tomorrow and the whole 259 sites campground to be full, we are planning a low profile until Monday morning and let the legions run rampant in the area while we lay low.

Sounds like a good excuse for a nap or four to us.


  1. Hopefully you won't see too much moisture this weekend, but since our Temperature will be hot, it is certain that your's will be as well. That means the bench in your picture will be a fun way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
