
Roof Work Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 17, 2023

Last night was a tough night. It was after 0100 before the OFM settled down and went to sleep. Then this morning something made a loud noise and the OFM was up and at it at 0600. It all caught up with him about noon. But he made it a productive day anyway, sort of.

The morning walk in the cooler air was nice and peaceful. We got in a bit over two miles before a back ache sent us to the Castle.

That gave us a bit of an earlier start than we had planned. Today was roof day again. We needed to re caulk most of the roof caulking since we had noticed deep cracks in it while up there a couple of days ago. The big difference today is the OFM balance was back to his usual wobbly self. Being extra careful was very important. Anyway the job went well and this phase was finished in a couple of hours with no injuries to the OFM. YAHOO.

By this time it was shower time and then lunch time with a desert of ibuprofen. This evening the OFM is slightly sore in several spots but he will live we think. Since lunch we have been taking it easy from the lack of sleep and not normal exercise of roof scrambling.

We were not able to identify the snake in yesterdays blog even though we found a book on the internet of Alabama snakes. But the body structure and its actions closely resemble several of the many water snakes here in Alabama that live in swampy areas like we live in right here at Point Mallard. It is likely a good snake for keeping undesirable critters like rats and other varmints under control.

And in between nods off into dream land the coloring effort continues. This new effort is an 8x10 size of a flower wreath. It will take a while for sure.

That is all the excitement we had today and we like it that way now days. It is time to publish this entry and get rested for another big day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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