
No Wet Feet Allowed


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 10, 2023

About 0300 in the morning the OFM noticed that the electrical power was off to our camping site. A little checking showed that a big chunk of Decatur was off grid. So we went back to sleep. As morning came to be the power stayed off and was off until around 0925. By then we were ready to get busy walking but the vicious weather was still showing bad news on the weather radar site on the Internet. But we decided to do short loops between rain squalls. And it worked out to some extent.

Here is what was coming our way when we headed out.

When we went out the back of the campground we expected to walk loops on the parking lots for the rest of Point Mallard Park. We basically did that plus tried a few bits of the hike and bike trails. Here is a picture of how successful that turned out to be.

We tried five different locations and encountered the same scene. So it was back to roads and parking lots. We kept it up until we were tired of doing it.

Back at the Castle we tried to make up our mind about future plans and all we came up for now was to get busy and get the onboard water system fully operational so we could have travel options when the axles etc were completed.

We went to lunch and then to a couple of stores to give the OFM mind time to consider our thoughts and check prices on a couple of items. Then it was back to the Castle and we have been here since. A short 20 minute nap late in the day sure felt good.

Some Amazon packages came in to help our mood quite a bit.

Tonight we tried to map our walking distance from this morning but it was so disjointed of a walk all we are sure of is we made over a mile and did not get the OFM's feet wet.

So everyone try to have tooooo much fun tomorrow and we will attempt to be a bright shining example for you.

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