
Two For One Night


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 8, 2023

Tonight is two days of stuff in one night. But the sleep and rest last night was wonderful and badly needed.

Yesterday first.

We got in 2.5 miles of very good walking at a good pace of slightly aerobic. We like for The OFM to walk at just into aerobic deep breathing since it does not hurt his knees and we can do it again the next day. But if he goes faster by very much his knees will need a day or three rest and we lose the health help we had gained.

As we left the back of the campground we found that a bum had left his meal trash tie up in a crepe myrtle for all the world to enjoy. There is a trash can about twenty feet from this spot.

Yesterday the OFM decided to give the Mexican Restaurant near the campground a try. It was not great Mexican food. However the meal we did get was well prepared and quite tasty. It turned out to be stir fried vegetables and chicken done just right for the OFM taste buds. The meal was served on a bed of tortilla chips with a tasty cheese and ???? mix poured over it. The meal was good. A take home box was requested and we took home plenty for another meal soon.

Today we got in another good walk and made 2.25 miles because a tree had fallen across the path a bit before we hit the turn around point.

The OFM is a short fellow with short legs and when he tried to step up on the log to continue he found that his balance was not ready for the one legged with not any hand holds near attempt. So he wisely stopped that effort and we headed back the way we had come. The brush around the spot was way thicker than we wanted to wade in to get around the fallen tree. And that is why we got only 2.25 instead of 2.5 miles today.

We also have a new coloring to show tonight. It is a 4 inch by 6 inch coloring and came out pretty nice in spite of the colorist who did the work.

Just to let you know we now have a water leak in our onboard water system in the vicinity of the pump. This will HAVE to be repaired before we try any boondocking. The OFM tried to get to it today and had lots of trouble doing it. The pump is under the kitchen cabinet drawer stack and really had to get to it. Tomorrow may be interesting as we try again for success.

And now it is time for everyone to get rested for another day of trying to have tooooooooo much fun.