
OFM Birthday Adventures


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 13, 2023

We got rolled just right to get to the grands home on time. Then the ruckus started and lasted until late in the afternoon. The visiting went very well and the grands were in a joyful mood. Grandson and the OFM did some nice visiting and the Grand son now has access to read this blog on his own and sat reading several days of the older blog entries.

Grand daughter was a bubbly nice girl having fun doing whatever came to here fertile mind. We had a lot of giggling and laughing going on most of the day. The OFM's son Kiddo and his wonderful wife were full of fun and a lot of smiles were swarming the whole house today.

When we went out for a birthday celebration of Mexican food the first place had a wait of 40 minutes to get in so we went to another location of Phil Sandavals (spelling) and got right in. The food was excellent as usual. Here is a picture Kiddo took of the OFM and grand daughter kidding around as she was eating long strings of cheese from her plate. The OFM was not egging her on even a little ---- yeah right sure.

Back at their home we did a good bit of messing around and having fun. Grand daughter remade the OFM's special bracelet but on the way home he broke the string holding it together so we will be finding a stronger string for the repair. Then we will show you the results of her efforts. It is very nice.

The weather was starting to act up with rain storms so the OFM decided to head the 40 miles back to the Castle. As it was we ran into three strong rainstorms on the way home. The one that was active as we arrived at the Castle was lighter than the others but as you can see it was bad enough.

The OFM was so whooped he had to take a nice nap to recover from all the fun. But tomorrow is another exciting day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Attending Birthday Parties for Grands is always a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Hoping you stay Safe from the Storms,

    It's about time.

    1. Other than pruning trees or knocking them down the storms have not been dangerous but definitely interrupting daily chores.
