
Too Stinking Hot For Exercise Walking


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 14, 2023

It was hot and still this morning when we finally got going for a walk. The OFM was planning to make the best of it and also be very careful about the heat. As we left the campground we pass a slough that everyone has seen hundreds of pictures of. This is to show how still it was as we made our try at some exercise.

We were at the point we had to choose the normal hike and bike next to the creek or stay up a bit higher and more open to breeze on the paved road circling the golf course.

Since the road had good shade on it and seemed to be getting more breeze we choose it. It turned out to be a good choice. We had good shade for 95% of the walk and normally a bit of a breeze. However it

was still too hot and humid. So after we had walked a good bit the OFM just stopped, drank more water and choose to head back to the air conditioning. It was the right choice we came to believe. We got back to the Castle in adequate shape heat wise. The good news is we have some cooler, not cool, weather due in tonight for a few days.

So after the cool down and nice shower we made a point of finding things to do inside the Castle. We did notice a significant lack of folks out wandering around the campground.

The next big excitement was the Amazon package with our order came in right on time and in good shape. Now we have a few nice new white tee shirts to hide the OFM's ugly belly.

The biggest big event was that we went to Lawlers BBQ and got a pork salad to eat for supper. There is enough left over that tomorrow it will be most of another meal. That is about all we could accomplish with the heat being so rough. It sure gets in the way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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