
Nasty Morning Storms


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 15, 2023

The before dawn storms left a lot of wet in the area. Here is the trail we thought we were going to walk today.

Instead we stayed on the paved road again and had a wonderful walk due to the way less hot air temperature. The OFM even managed to keep a very nice brisk pace for the whole 2.1 miles. When we got back to the Castle he was properly sweated through his shirt instead of overly saturated. And cooling down only took about twenty minutes which is about right for a good speed walk in our world. These walks seem to be very important to the OFM's health especially his balance as of late. When he is getting in decent walks his balance is much better than when it is too slow or too hot.

We finally completed another try at doing good coloring and it never really seemed to come together but it is not real bad either. There are three new techniques hidden in the work and we hope to adequately learn how to use properly them in the near future. It has been a surprise to the OFM how much detail learning is required to do coloring well.

Here is Javelina Patrol for your enjoyment.

Tuesday is Baked Potato Sale day at Lawlers and we got ours and wolfed down about a third of it for supper tonight. As usual it is very good and large. Here is the left over for the next meal(s). It and root beer go together rather well in our life.

And now for the big surprise of the day. The roof work of a few days ago from our ladder had cured long enough that after noon when the sun had baked everything to perfection the OFM decided that his walk seemed to be in good balance and it was time for the next step in the roof work. So he got his gear in order and climbed the rear ladder on the Castle and got on the roof with no trouble from his balance. Trouble from old man flexibility yes, but balance was not a problem.

We got the already applied new rubber spray all painted. Then he looked around and decided to finish the rubber spray can of product on some of the other old caulking spots that looked like they might soon need help. Well that turned out to be more than we had left in the can. So tomorrow it is back to Walmart for another can of the spray. If the weather allows we will get all the roof seams sprayed and curing for the UV paint top coat required after it is cured.

But the big surprise was the OFM had no trouble with balance while on the roof today. Frequently he has to sit and scoot around while on the roof. He did not get brave (foolish) and stand next to the edge but sat and scooted for that effort. He knows his limits even if he foolishly ignores them at times.

It was a good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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