
Snake On The Path


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 16, 2023

The day started moderately early for a change and the walk was nice with almost cool breezes moving the air molecules around. The main gravel trail was pretty well drained so we took off on it. The pace was flowing nicely and the feeling was really good for a change.

THEN IT HAPPENED. A nice polite snake scurried out into the trail just in front of the Teams. EEERK we went and grabbed for the camera. The snake just laid there until the camera got in place then the snake started to do posing to give us choices for the photo. We have no idea what the posing was all about but it was fun to watch for a little bit. Then we took two pics and put the camera away and the snake just laid there in the middle of the trail.

We guess it was about 30 inches long and an inch and a quarter in diameter. It reminded us of the garter snakes that were along the Texas coast except the coloring was totally wrong.

Anyway we stepped around it and headed on down the trail for our turn around point. Snake identification requested.

At the turn around point some water was guzzled and we decided to head back on the paved road of the last few days since the breeze was a little stronger on the road area. We made food time back to the Castle and got busy cooling down for our shower. And this looked as if it would be the major high spot of the day but the OFM was wrong.

We still needed to get over to Walmart and get what we needed to complete the leak repair on the roof. We got to Walmart after lunch and changed our plan about the rest of the roof joints getting the rubber spray coating that has to be painted like the bigger leak area needed. All the rest of the caulks just need to have the caulk cracks filled with high quality self leveling RV caulk. So we picked up some of that and checked out of Walmart,

The local salvage charity store is in the lot with Walmart so we drove over in hopes of finding a putter to use over at the golf course when it is cooler just for a change of piddling around.

As it turned out the best part of the day had just started. A nice man was walking across the parking lot and we said a couple of HOWDYs and over a half hour later we parted company after his wife came out of the store and visited for a few minutes. They are getting themselves ready to hit the road for an RV trip of 8000 miles out west in the new future. We had a long nice discussion and his wife had heard of OFM Adventures. So we got it loaded on her phone so they will be able to email us questions about things RV and tap our large knowledge base for good answers. The first thing that the OFM thought when they mentioned the round trip distance and where all they want to go on this trip is they need to quadruple the time length for the tour as a minimum. But they have a few miles under their tires pulling an RV so the OFM kept his mouth shut on that issue. They were very nice folks and we wish them well with their plans and travels.

The stuffed baked potato made a good supper tonight as meal 2. However there is still enough potato for another meal tomorrow. WOW that was a big un.

Ok it is time to get rested for another great day of trying to have toooooo much fun.


  1. Sounds like you didn't find a putter...

    1. Actually I bought one for $3 but I am not sure I will keep it until I try it out maybe tomorrow. I did not have time at the junk store to do that.
