
Strong Lightning Storm


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 3, 2023

It was another good morning to get outside and walk. The temperature was about 81 and a nice gentle breeze was flowing across the area. One of the first things we noticed was that a lot of leaves are falling already. Autumn must be a bit early this year.

The OFM was stepping on along at a good pace for an OLD man. Suddenly we were at the hot weather turning point and the OFM decided to go on past it and see what he could do since he was feeling pretty good. The day was nice and pictures were being taken of scenes to remember for the future. Suddenly we were at the golf course irrigation pump house and we had not made it this far since last winter.

Right past the pump house is where the old trail had to be abandoned due to erosion of the trail into Flint Creek. Here is a picture of the old trail now from near the pump house.

Just past this point is where the OFM decided to turn back for the Castle. The mile marker is one we have not seen in a few months.

The water was turned off for a few hours today in the campground so a leak in a main water line could be repaired. No big deal we thought as we flipped the switch on for the onboard water in the Castle as we went to take our after walk shower.

Then to celebrate all this fun just before lunch we heard some thunder. The weather radar showed a mess headed right for us. In a few minutes the worst lightning storm we have ever been in settled in with us for about 45 minutes. The rain was significant but the lightning roaring in the sky was the big scare. We have a wild guess that that it was a tornado trying to form but could not quite make it. What we had was bad enough ! It is still pretty damp here this evening and folks are still putting things back in place.

That is enough excitement for us for today and tomorrow. We are hoping it will be tooooo much fun but not quite as exciting tomorrow. Have a safe night everyone.

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