
Egret Stalking Coloring

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: August 29, 2023

An amazingly comfortable day today for a change. The walk started about 0900 this morning with a warm but not hot air temp and a bit of a breeze. The OFM was able to set a good pace at a moderate aerobic rate and hold it for over two miles to our surprise. By the time we were back to the Castle he had a nice sweat going and was ready to sit and cool off. The camera was with us but the OFM had forgotten to get the memory card from the computer and install it back in the camera. The only thing we wanted to get a picture of was the huge all over the place explosion of four petal white flowers. It was dramatic so hopefully tomorrow we can try again.

We did a bit of clean out of the Castle and got it all into the dumpster and gone. There is a lot more empty cabinets than cabinets with stuff in them in the Castle now.

Late this afternoon the OFM remembered it was stuffed baked potato sale day at Lawlers so we took a quick run over there to get one for tonight and tomorrow night. $8.52 for two suppers is not bad these days.

And today we finished a coloring that we have named Egret Stalking.

We hope you enjoy it. It was somewhat modified from the original drawing that was in the adult coloring book to meet our wants. Then the colored pencils went to work for a few days. It is a 4”x6” in size per our choice.

That is about it for tonight and we plan to have an easy night tonight and ease back a bit on the trying to have to much funnnnn by one n tomorrow.



  1. Nice job on the coloring, and I would love to try one of those BBQ baked potatoes one day! Linda

    1. the best BBQ baked potatos I have eaten were in Junction Texas.
