
A Good Meander

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 10-03-2020

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The OFM was sluggish this morning so we stayed inside in the warm Castle waiting for warmer trails to walk. Sitting around in the Castle resulted in the OFM getting busy poaching some frozen chicken breasts.  The broth created resulted in attempting some wonderful stoup. Attempting some stoup resulted in three meals of stoup waiting in the freezer.

When the day warmed up to about 60F it was time for a walk. The OFM could tell it SHOULD not be a brisk walk.  So the Meandering Team grabbed the camera and set forth on a meandering walk along Flint Creek.  We had a great meander and shot 61 pictures. About one third of them made it into storage in the computer with three of them in tonight’s blog entry.

Meander: A slower style of a walk where EVERYTHING you see is looked at as possible blog material.

As we meandered in behind the water park along the creek a strange item was growing from the roots of a nice tree. The OFM could not tell what it was until we got fairly close.  The item must have been put in place a few decades ago and the tree grew around it. Check out this contest for space.

We read the writing on the marker and decided to take a picture of the writing for future reference.

Our meander was only 2.1 miles, but it was full of nice things to see and enjoy. Most of the photos will be serving as inspirations for more paintings in our future attempts at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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