
RR Station

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-31-2019
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Breezy, cloudy, damp and a chill in the air did not slow the Teams efforts today. It did get up to 62F in the afternoon for a few hours. Speaking of temperatures, the OFM looked up when the bottom of winter is here in Rockport. The bitter cold happens in the second week of January normally according to the weather records we found on the Internet. 

The highs run around 66.4F and the lows run around a bitter cold 46.8F. The next third week starts the warm up so things are much better  by the end of the month. Then it is rolling time.

We took a break from learning from The Mind of Watercolor and roamed the towns for a break. As the Teams passed a building in old Rockport, the OFM realized he needed to get a picture of it. So he took a couple. The building is the old Rockport Rail Road station. It was beat up during Hurricane Harvey so these two pictures are of the lesser damaged sides of the station.

Now we have it saved and don’t be surprised if it ends up as part of an OFM painting someday if he ever learns enough.

The OFM had a big surprise when he looked into the refrigerator for supper tonight. THERE IT WAS! A container of the great chicken stoup from a few days ago. The microwave did its magic and the OFM had a fantastic meal of chicken stoup. That was some good eating.

Our Rockport Beach Park permit ran out today so tomorrow we will be down there camera in one hand and $20 in the other hand to purchase another years pass and burn more electrons with the camera.  Surely he will also do some more ramp walking if the weather is nice enough.

We never know how things will work out but you are assured we will be hard at work trying to have tooooo much fun.

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