
Winter Day Like We Like It

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: December 05, 2019
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If you don’t know where to start the blog entry from Rockport, you can always start with a fishing report.

Stopped by the rock pier at the harbor for about an hour in late morning. Nobody was catching anything but the boulders of the pier. The OFM Fishing Team set to work with the one lure we had with us. It was torn up somewhat from fish of the past tearing it up. The final score in about an hour when the lure finally ripped totally to shreds was
1 ea 17.5“  legal speckled trout
1 ea 16.5 “ legal speckled trout
4 ea 14.95“ not legal speckled trout

After the lure was shredded we just headed on out for lunch somewhere. After lunch we were enjoying the horrible Rockport December winter weather.

How does 80F, light breeze and bright sun sound to you today?

Compass Rose Park in Rockport got slammed by Hurricane Harvey.  We stopped in to check out the revamp/repair. It is very nice. As you park this tells you that you are in the right place.

The small park has a labyrinth in it. This next sign tells you all about a labyrinth and how to use it.

This next picture shows the crushed granite labyrinth among all the shrubbery and flowers
It is a rather nice facility and as of today it has some great looking Christmas decorations we plan to go back to photograph. 

By the time we had walked the labyrinth and clambered all over the flower beds and blooming shrubbery the OFM knees were needing a rest. Lo and behold look at the neat bench in the shade of the shelter. Before he sat down the OFM just had to take a picture of the nice bench made from ONE slab of wood. And it was just the right height for a short squatty body.

All the flowers pictures are waiting for the OFM to get them ready for a blog entry. The OFM “keep him thinking straight” Team is trying to get him to slow down a bit now that the Christmas rush is over. That OFM is working tooooo hard at trying to have all the fun in just a couple of days.

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