
Scorching Vegetables

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-28-2019
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The weather was nice most of the day but not a lot of excitement until about 1700. Then all sorts of fun broke out. The OFM checked the refrigerator to see what was in it. As he tallied the things hidden in the various corners of the refrigerator he realized we had the right ingredients for some new type of stew.

It was time to try some new cooking techniques he learned in New Mexico in October. So he went to work and soon a bell pepper was filleted and ready for chunking.

It was cut into chunks and tossed into the 3 liter pot for scorching in olive oil. Then more ingredients were prepared.

The corn was added to the pepper to be scorched as well. Scorching the pepper and corn was the new technique the OFM learned about in NM. It is really good.

While that was going on the onion was prepared, Large chunks of course. Then added to the mix when the scorching was finished.

Enough water was added to barely make the mix steamable. 

Then a package of Lil Smokies came to the party. They were each cut in half and added to the pot.

Then it was a 15 minute simmer with the pot lid tilted to allow the excess water to steam off. 

We were looking for a thick sauce type of liquid. Finally a health dose of BBQ sauce was added and stirred in for great blending.

After letting it cool a bit, a healthy blob of stew was plopped into a bowl and the OFM went at it with great gusto.  And there are two large bowls of stew left in containers in the refrigerator for later meals.

The OFM labeled the stew GREAT and eating it was a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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