
Lazy Bum Day

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: December 19, 2019
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The OFM stuck pretty close to the Castle most of the time today. We had packages due to arrive and he wanted to make sure they made it to the Castle in good shape. They all did including his Christmas  gift from Alabama.

Finishing a painting was his big achievement for the day.  This painting is small in size, approximately 5“ x 8“.  It is done with watersoluble crayon named Neocolour II. We received those toys a couple of days ago and they are lots of fun.
Here is Sleeping Warrior Mountain for your laughter.

Then when later came along, he started another painting in oil pastels that we hope he finishes this year.

In case you thought he quit then, he did not.  This evening he has started the get ready machine in motion on a new painting inspired from a view in the Rockport Harbor.

In between all that laziness he also found time to do a two hour tour of a travel trailer of smaller size he is considering for our travels in the future. It seemed to fit our lifestyle now that the bikes, yaks, golf clubs and hiking gear have been left behind. We are not in a hurry for the next Castle but are realizing that that time will be coming in a bit.

In the meantime we have to get busy and find something to help us work on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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