
Splash Day

Adventure Location: Packery Channel, Texas
Adventure Report Date: December 12, 2019
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The weather was so beautiful this morning the whole OFM Team was hollering BEACH DAY. So we got it together and away we went.

First we hit the Jetties in Port Aransas but it is a no go now since they are finally working on the jetty area hurricane damage. The OFM and Sierra never stopped to take a picture of the construction work. 

The we went down the beach a ways and it was blah. So a Team meeting was called and a trip to Packery  Channel was chosen and away we went in the magic carpet named Sierra. The sunshine was really bright.

After getting stopped at the Packery channel Parking lot, the OFM grabbed the camera and some warm clothing. It was 62 but the wet wind was a bit brisk.  The wave action of the Gulf of Mexico was serious as it broke OVER the jetties frequently. 

Most of both jetties were empty due to the wave action. It turned out to be a day of interesting wave action photography. We got it culled down to 5 pictures as a good representation of the days action. And yes we got a bit wet in the effort of recording the waves. Here is five pics of waves in action.

The waves frightened G Rock so much he stayed in Sierra to be safe. He did not want to get washed off the jetty by a wave.

After the Packery effort we stopped at the Padre Island Whataburger and took the route through Corpus Christi and over the bridge for the highway to Rockport.

When we got back to Rockport the OFM thought we might give our readers a chance to see the Rockport Beach today. Look carefully and there is a walker near the water.

It was 69F and bright sun.That does look like a nice place to get relaxed while trying to have tooooo much fun.

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