
Leak Repairs

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Report Date: December 21, 2019
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It was a cold morning with over cast but no rain. The OFM waited for some warming and drying before he got going on the attempted repairs to stop the leaks.

He did find some trouble spots on the bathroom window so we have hope it is fixed again.  Seems like RVs always have a small item or two that need attention. At least most of the time it is not like the $1850 refrigerator last time.

The dining room window is another story. There was no evidence of a trouble spot in the caulk of the window. So we just scraped the old caulk off and reapplied new caulk carefully. Hopefully it will be all that is required.

The caulk will be allowed to cure and then we paint it with acrylic paint to make it look nice and protect it from the UV rays of the sun.

The Castle’s wheels are itching but the OFM had to have a serious talk with the Castle about the rolling date.  The failed refrigerator ($) changed our whole plan for this winter travels and a new plan is still being worked up. The OFM promised the Castle that as soon as he could gather all the information he would work out the next plan and let the Castle get ready.  The OFM is in dire need of some dry desert air as soon as all the nuisances get cleaned up. 2019 has been a long year of small and large interferences to trying to have tooooo much fun.

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